TSQL - Search Column and its Value from ALL tables in database
Hi Guys, Sometimes we try to find a specific Column Name from all the tables in the database. Below is the query- SELECT t . name AS table_name , SCHEMA_NAME ( schema_id ) AS schema_name , c . name AS column_name FROM sys . tables AS t INNER JOIN sys . columns c ON t . OBJECT_ID = c . OBJECT_ID WHERE c . name like '%Column_Name%' ORDER BY schema_name , table_name Of course everyone knows about it, you can google it. But below is the query to find a Column Name and its Value from all the tables in database. Isn’t interesting !! CREATE PROC SearchColumnAndItsValueFromAllTables ( @SearchStr nvarchar ( 100 ) ) AS BEGIN CREATE TABLE #Results ( ColumnName nvarchar ( 370 ), ColumnValue nvarchar ( 3630 )) SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @TableName nvarc...