ODBC Secrets
What is ODBC? ODBC stands for Open Database Connect and is a Microsoft specification. ODBC provides a standard way of defining data sources and their data access methods. ODBC is designed around SQL and relational databases, but there is nothing preventing translation of the incoming SQL to another language. The ODBC specification defines low level API calls that any application can make use of for database queries. By writing calls to the API, a reporting writer or other tool can portably access heterogeneous data sources with one set of source code. Architectures There are two basic architectures employed by the driver makers: single vs. multiple tier. Intersolv’s DataDirect ODBC, OpenLink Lite, and the Progress ODCB Driver are single tier drivers, while the rest are all multiple tier. Single Tier Single tier architectures use the driver itself to process the SQL query, implying PC side resolution. The driver connects to the database, sends SQL to the database, does any additional re...