
Showing posts from 2008

Save Time While Building a Website

To increase productivity and to save time, we can follow the below given points Drop Down Menus :: All Web Menus ( )Whenever I need to add a complex drop-down menu to a site, I turn to All Web Menus. This program styles a complex multi level menu in less time then it takes to type the text. All websites need menus and for detailed menus, you should try All Web Menus. Time saved: 1 Hour per menu. Image Capture :: Gadwin Printscreen ( )Gadwin Printscreen utility replaces windows standard printscreen keyboard button with more options and flexibility. It loads on windows startup and runs silently in the background without consuming system resources but it’s always there when you need it. Instead of just capturing the entire screen view, Gadwin allows you to select a rectangular area very precisely with the help of a built in magnifying window. This tool is invaluable to my work. I often use it to grab different...

2007 Internet Quiz

I scored 96% in the 2007 internet quiz. Created by OnePlusYou You also try @

Important and advanced concepts in SQL Server 2005

Introduction This article discusses some of the most important and advanced concepts in SQL Server and how one can improve the performance of SQL Server using the best practices. CLR integration Any code that runs under the Common Language Runtime (CLR) hood is managed code. The CLR is the core of the .NET environment providing all necessary services for the execution of the managed code. SQL Server 2005 has a tight integration with the CLR which enables the developer to create stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions, aggregates and user defined types using the managed code. T-SQL suits best when you need to perform little procedural logic and access data from the server. If your data needs to undergo complex logic then the better option is using managed code. When working on data intensive operations, working in T-SQL would be an easy approach, but T-SQL lacks the ease of programming. You might end up in lot of lines of coding in trying to simulate operations that are spec...
Introduction Object Pooling is nothing new. It is a concept that implies that we can store a pool of objects in memory to be reused later and, hence, reduce the load of object creation to a great extent. An Object Pool, also known as a Resource Pool, is a list/set of ready to be used reusable objects that reduce the overhead of creating each object from the scratch whenever a request for an object creation comes in. This is somewhat similar to the functioning of a Connection Pool, but with some distinct differences. This article throws light on this concept (Object Pooling) and discusses how we can implement a simple generic Object Pool in .NET. What is an Object Pool? An Object Pool may be defined as a container of objects that are ready for use. Lists of ready-to-be-used objects are contained in this pool. Whenever a new request for an object creation comes in, the request is served by allocating an object from the pool. Therefore, it reduces the overhead of creating and re-creating ...

LINQ sample from C#.NET 3.0

LINQ to Objects allows you to use LINQ queries with any object that support IEnumerable or IEnumerable(T). This means that you can use LINQ to acccess data in arrays, lists, dictionaries, and other collections. You also can use LINQ with any of your own classes that implement or inherit IEnumerable. Let me start with a very simple introduction using an array of integers. This following example uses LINQ to find all of the even integers in an array of integers: // Array of data int[] Data = { 17, 32, 51, 98, 87, 4, 63, 26, 75, 40 }; // Create the variable to store the query var EvenNumbers = from Num in Data where Num % 2 == 0 select Num; // Run the query and output the results foreach (int i in EvenNumbers) Debug.Print(i.ToString()); Data is simply an integer array. The only thing important about it is that arrays implement IEnumerable so LINQ can be used with them. The statement of interest in this example is the definition of EvenNumbers. The from clause is used to define a subse...

ODBC Secrets

What is ODBC? ODBC stands for Open Database Connect and is a Microsoft specification. ODBC provides a standard way of defining data sources and their data access methods. ODBC is designed around SQL and relational databases, but there is nothing preventing translation of the incoming SQL to another language. The ODBC specification defines low level API calls that any application can make use of for database queries. By writing calls to the API, a reporting writer or other tool can portably access heterogeneous data sources with one set of source code. Architectures There are two basic architectures employed by the driver makers: single vs. multiple tier. Intersolv’s DataDirect ODBC, OpenLink Lite, and the Progress ODCB Driver are single tier drivers, while the rest are all multiple tier. Single Tier Single tier architectures use the driver itself to process the SQL query, implying PC side resolution. The driver connects to the database, sends SQL to the database, does any additional re...

23 IE 5 Secrets

23 IE 5 SECRETS!!!. 1.) Do animated graphics, banner ads distract you from your surfing experience ? Once the page loads, just press Esc and presto, everything faintly flashing comes to a grinding halt. This might not work for Java applets and flash animations. 2.) Finding your 14/15-inch monitor too cluttered with all the toolbars, banner ads, taskbars overshadowing the precious real-estate space on the webpage? Simple. Press F11 (for full screen) and go to Start-Settings-Taskbar and click on autohide. Presto your webpage, blows up and surfing becomes more fun, and your 14'' inch turns into 20" inch monitor, well almost. You'll find reading the webpage a much more pleasurable experience. Plus - Right click on the IE 5 toolbar and customize. Here in the dropdown menu remove the text label options and select Small icons instead of the default large icons. Presto, do all this and your browser window just blows up and surfing suddenly becomes a pleasure. 3.) Just want con...

C#.NET 3.5 - Automatic Properties

Automatic Properties There is no. of new features introduced in C# to enable developers to write simple and short code. Properties is best when we want to control or validate values to be stored in fields/members, Many a times in order to grant access to private fields of class we declare appropriate public properties. So we declare it as public class Employee { private string _EmpName; private int _Salary; public string EmpName { get { return _EmpName; } set { _EmpName = value; } } public int Salary{ get { return _Salary; } set { _Salary = value; } } } With automatic properties we need not provide full definition of property, In fact compiler generates default definition which is simple assignment and retrieval of values. if you wish to add you own logic then automatic properties is not for you. public class Employee { public string EmpName { get; set; } public int Salary{ get; set; } } Above code in 3.5 at compile time expands and generates code (in target output file) as seen...

Block images on the page from being copied

Recently my client wanted to block images on the page from being copied. So we wrote a standard script to trap and block right-click on a page. But he did not wish to block entire page, he wanted users to copy unique Itemcode and a couple of other unique items on the page for correspondence. Well we can decided to block right-click only for images This is how we ejected a client script to achieve the task. Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim s As New StringBuilder() s.AppendLine("function ProtectImages(e) {var msg = 'Warning: Image is copyrighted.';") s.AppendLine("if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && event.button==2){") s.AppendLine("alert(msg);") s.AppendLine("return false;}") s.AppendLine("else return true;}") s.AppendLine("if (document.images){") s.AppendLine("for(i=0;i s.AppendLine("document.images[i].onmous...